Hello, My name is Crystal Mediate.

My Name is Crystal Mediate and I am a co-owner of Red Ridge Farm. I am also the author and founder of the Red Ridge Farm Blog and Online Courses. Here at Red Ridge Farm, our mission is to offer timeless education to all who want it. Yes, after 15 years, I know what it is like to try to build a garden and homestead on my own. I truly feel it is my calling to help others build not only a garden but food security, and to help put healthy food on every plate I can!

Is This Course For You?

You have been called by God to grow a garden to feed your family the healthiest food you can give them.

You have been getting your hands dirty for a few seasons but your soil has not told you all its secrets yet or you are planning on starting your garden next year and you want to get ahead.

Do you want to learn what your soil has to tell you?

Do you want to stop guessing year after year?

Do you want someone to it break down and give you it to you straight?

Then the Soil Is Your Foundation Live Mini Course is for You!

Before I figured out what my soil needed, I played the amendment guessing game. I would read book after book and I would find what I thought was a solution. I mean so and so said it worked for their garden so it just had to work for mine right??

I was so WRONG!

I even had a Professional Soil Test done but it was like reading Latin. I knew all the numbers were trying to tell me something profound but I had not learned to interpret them yet.

I thought for years I had been doing things right, but if I would of kept records back then I would of learned that each year my garden was actually producing less and less. After years of this pattern I found all the things I was adding was actually locking up nutrients that were already in my soil. How did I discover this?

That is simple, I began to listen to my soil. I found it was not just one solution but a combination of many things like; keep records, cover crops, no-till, and not expecting instant results. Soil takes years to build the ideal structure and texture. Let me tell you, all of this has become a game changer for me and my garden.

My soil now speaks to me and because I know how to listen, my garden is beginning to recover.

Do you want to uncover your soil secrets without spending years fumbling around like I did?

Perfect, because I feel it is my God-Given Purpose to share with you what I have learned.

And, that is why I have created the "Soil is Your Foundation Master Cla". This course teaches Christian Gardeners the fundamentals of building soil structure and texture so they no longer have to deal with the frustration of guessing.

When you purchase the "Soil is Your Foundation Master Class" you are going to receive:

The Soil is Your Foundation Master Class - A course designed to help you understand the secrets hidden in your soil without ever having to deal with the overwhelm of playing the amendment guessing game. (Value $97)

The Soil is Your Foundation Workbook- the perfect companion to help you take action on all you have learned. (Value $27)

How to Collect a Professional Soil Sample Video- walks you through the steps of how to collect your soil for a soil test so you no longer keep putting it off like I did. (Value $27)

How to Plant a Fall Cover Crop Video - shows you the process of how to plant the cover crops your garden is begging you to plant. (Value $27)

A Total Value = ($168)

Make It Yours for Only ($45)

Soil Is Your Foundation Master Class

This Course is going to take you through the steps of understanding your soil.

The Four Main Topics:

The Ideal Soil-Our Goal: will explain what the Ideal Soil is and define pH, Nutrients, Soil Structure, Soil Texture, and Respiration.

Understanding Your Soil-Time to Dig Deep-will walk you through the steps of taking a soil and a composition test. As well as a full explanation of what they are, why they are important, and how to read the results.

A Gardener's Tools-Let's Get to Work- will explain what tools gardeners have to fix their soil and how and when to use them. The Tools will be broken up by what they help build: Structure, Texture, or Respiration.

How to Pick a Cover Crop- Real Life Application- goes through the steps needed and how to pick the proper cover crop for any situation.

Soil Is Your Foundation Workbook

A 24 page download that was developed to help students take action on what they learn in this course as well as step by step instructions on how to conduct a soil and composition test with a Cover Crop Chart of the 9 most used cover crops!

How To Collect a Soil Test Video

The first step of understanding your soil is to get a professional soil test. This video will walk you through how I, with my husband's help, gathered soil for a professional test I had done on my garden this spring.

How to Plant a Fall Cover Crop Video

Planting Cover Crops can feel intimidating. That is why this video will walk you through the steps I follow to plant a Fall Cover Crop.

Once you Complete this Master Class

You will finally, know how to not only take a professional soil test but how to read it.

You will finally, know how to build your soil structure and texture so your garden can give you more and more abundance every year.

You will finally, no longer have to play the amendment guessing game.

You will, finally, have the tools and knowledge to build the foundation of your Dream Garden!

I am going to be frank with you, that is just the kind of person I am, my soil is not perfect because building and repairing soil can take years. But, what I know for sure, is that my garden is on the mend and every year it become more abundant!

You Will Not Only Get :

  • The Soil is Your Foundation Master Class- A course designed to help you understand the secrets hidden in your soil without ever having to deal with the overwhelm of playing the amendment guessing game. (Value $97)
  • The Soil is Your Foundation Workbook- the perfect companion to help you take action on all you have learned. (Value $27)
  • How to Collect a Professional Soil Sample Video- walks you through the steps of how to collect your soil for a soil test so you no longer keep putting it off like I did. (Value $27)
  • How to Plant a Fall Cover Crop Video - shows you the process of how to plant the cover crops your garden is begging you to plant. (Value $17)

A Total Value = ($168).

Bonus Just For You

I am going to include for a limited time, to the first 50 students, the Build Your Compost Pile Today Online Course.

Bonus: Build Your Compost Pile Today Mini Course - The Build Your Compost Pile Today Online Course was designed to help you build a Compost Area in your garden so you will no have to spend the big bucks on compost that you don't even know is in it.(Value $97)

The Build Your Compost Pile Today Workbook- the perfect companion to the Course to help you take action on all you have learned. (Value $27)

Total Value of ($124)

That is a Grand Total of ($292)

Make It Yours for Only


Build Your Compost Pile Today Mini Course

The Build Your Compost Pile Today Online Course was designed to help you build a Compost Area in your garden so you will not have to spend the big bucks on compost that you don't even know what is in it.

Location, Location, Location- will explain why picking your location is so important by using permiculture principles. I will walk you through my process of moving from my first location (that was completely wrong) to my new location and why.

Build - will be a live demo of how to build a low cost compost area out of pallets. I will also explain why pallets are a good choice and design details for the perfect compost pile.

Compost Made Easy - will explain the ins and outs of the starting and growing your first compost pile. It will include a detailed list of what can go into a compost pile as well as discuss the science behind developing your own compost.

Maintenance - will walk you through the steps of turning your pile into black gold.

This course will also include a workbook that will help you take action on what you have learned as well as charts of compost pile ingredients, step by step instructions for building your compost area and a complete supplies list.

Example Curriculum

  Soil Is Your Foundation Live Mini Course
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 0: Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: The Ideal Soil
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Understanding Your Soil
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: A Gardener's Tools
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: How to Pick a Cover Crops
Available in days
days after you enroll

Grab your "Soil Is Your Foundation Master Class Complete Bundle, That Includes:

  • The Soil is Your Foundation Master Class- A course designed to help you understand the secrets hidden in your soil without ever having to deal with the overwhelm of playing the amendment guessing game. (Value $378)
  • The Soil is Your Foundation Workbook- the perfect companion to help you take action on all you have learned. (Value $57)
  • How to Collect a Professional Soil Test Video- walks you through the steps of how to collect your soil for a soil test so you no longer keep putting it off like I did. (Value $57)
  • How to Plant a Fall Cover Crop Video - shows you the process of how to plant the cover crops your garden is begging you to plant. (Value $57)
  • Bonus: Build Your Compost Pile Today Mini Course - The Build Your Compost Pile Today Online Course was designed to help you build a Compost Area in your garden so you will no have to spend the big bucks on compost that you don't even know is in it.(Value $378)
  • The Build Your Compost Pile Today Workbook- the perfect companion to the Course to help you take action on all you have learned. (Value $57)

That is a Grand Total of ($984)

Make It Yours for Only ($45)

Click the Button Below to Get it all Today!

Thank You for following your God-Given Purpose of Growing Healthy Food for you and your family. I can't wait to see what the Lord helps you achieve in your garden!

Have a Blessed Day,

Crystal Mediate